Orientation sheet for Taste Entrepreneurship Movement
Team member: Select a team member with complimentary skills Product: Select a product that people understand need and will buy without much persuasion and has good profit margin Product/Service Development: Choose a product based on cheap sourcing, your skills and clear market need. Investment generation: Remember cash generates cash Pricing: Price a product that ensures good profit and is within buying capacity of target customer Place: Sell the product at a place where you can get multiple consumers at one go S trategy : Think hard on how you will you sell and follow it Negotiation: Negotiate from a position of strength not from a weakness Deal closing: Close a deal as soon as it serves your minimum threshold mark Reinvestment: Reinvest your profits in the same or new product, do not let cash be idle Marketing: Aid your product by catchy advertisement that catches people attention Medium: Sell product by all mediums available...