
Showing posts from May, 2009

Critical IT Skills for Managers


apnaIT-Deshpande Foundation Technology Flyer

Please find below the Informational flyer for the apnaIT-Tech fellowship. Please refer your friends and make IT work for all Tech Fellowship Flyer.pdf

apnaIT-Deshpande Foundation Technology Fellowship Application Form

Tech Fellowship application form apnaIT Tech Fellowship_Application.doc

apnaIT-Deshpande Foundation Technology Fellowship

apnaIT-Deshpande Foundation is launching a month long technology Fellowship starting July 09,this fellowship intends to strengthen the IT Skills for professionals working or planning to work in the social Sector. apnaIT assessment in working with non profits in Sandbox area leaves little doubt that due to lack of technical skills social development organisation, schools and colleges face problems to deliver quality products and are left behind in reaping the benefits of Information Technology that the other India is taking huge advantages of. This one month rigorous programme is meticulously designed for in the social sector, non profits,schools and non profits.It includes hardware troubleshooting skills,MS office skills,desktop applications,Internet application,productivity software skills and exposes the participants to cost effective open source alternatives for everyday work efficiency The application form can be got from apnaIT, Deshpande Foundation,BVB Engineering College, Hubli ...