At Loggerheads Social Entrepreneurship and Social Work
Conventional Social work is often an act of charity accompanied by a sense of giving with no thought of taking anything from the beneficiaries.This is traditional and assumes that the beneficiaries have no money to pay up and nothing to offer and people who have goodies in life should give them to the needy. The non profit sector hence has three distinct stakeholders the Funders,ngos and the beneficiaries.Such a setup has been a success owing to philanthropy and good people who often are wealthy and wish to share the wealth when they feel they, have had enough in life. But then is this the right and the best way to carry out development? Imagine now a Social entrepreneur (Social Entrepreneurs is someone who serves the social causes with a business model) comes up with same kind of work but asks the beneficiaries some money for his services.The rationale for asking this amount is that he/she feels that this is the only way to sustain operations.The services he provides is novel and depe...