I was never in the CAT race - A realization
It has taken a full two years of spending time,putting in effort and a steady focus on the deliverables each Sunday yet ignoring the prerequsites.The exam has had its charm beauty perhaps and i did have mine but the race was always different it had a different set of competitors and I was not one of them ,so much so that this thing has come to realization now.Well its a simple prerequisite like having the valdity to make calls on your phone ...ah stupid comparison i know still that's how i feel when i have in hand a mobile with its validity over.It takes time for certain realizations to sweep you.How I realize that this was the one thing i could have harped long before.Anyways this is the one point agenda for the coming days ,clear your cutoffs that's the one thing you cannot ignore,rest everything can be looked that but that remains the most ignored aspect in a continous pursuit to identify strength ,weaknesses blah blah and blah take some more blahs they are called speed and...